yes are system accounts but anyone have shell, its not a problem I only like if I use 200 users with system accounts I have problems with dovecot and how mi users can change their password??

2007/3/3, Gerard <>:
On Saturday March 03, 2007 at 02:07:30 (PM) Miler Alberto Garcia Villanueva wrote:

> hi for all, someone have any experiencie with dovecot and postfix with 200
> users in /etc/passwd as local user? is a funcionatly, or have some errors in
> the future?, and how the users can change they passwords?, now for change
> passowrd I have to use the #passwd usuerx and to add a user # adduser,   the
> populars commando, please some recomendation?

I am assuming that these users have system accounts. Is that really
necessary? Could you use "virtual domains / non-unix accounts" to handle
them instead? You could employ MySQL with Postfix and Dovecot to easily
handle that chore.


       "Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is
       beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the
       wheel goes not go nearly as well with pizza!"

           Dave Barry