On 03/08/2012 01:03 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 2012-03-08 4:56 AM, Vincent Schut <schut@sarvision.nl> wrote:
The old server was running gentoo linux (which is mainly the culprit of the old dovecot version: gentoo was too much trouble to keep updating);
Please stop with the FUD...
I've been running gentoo for 8+ years, and it is a *breeze* to keep updated, *especially* long term (since it is a 'rolling release' type of distro)...
Right. I should've known I shouln't mention anyone's favourite distro... :-) Hey, listen, sorry I offended you... its really nothing I have against gentoo, I'm sorry it might have sounded like that. It's just that I appeared not to have the time and energy to do regular updates, and when I tried to update something some months later, I had problems which I had no time and energy to start solving. Thus I decided a rolling distro was no good combination for my server and me. Which is why I will switch to a less rolling distro. That's really all there is to say about. I do still have a rolling distro which-will-not-be-named on my desktop, which I can and do update often and easy.
Yes, it actually does require some minimum amount of attention from the admin, like, say, once per week or once per month updates - buy so should *any* system... and yes, it does require a little more willingness to learn and 'get your hands dirty' (especially for the installation), but it is well worth it.
Yes, I have learned lots from some years with gentoo. No bad feelings. Just bad combo this time.
Oh - and Portage rocks... :)
Well, yes, so does granite. Or iron maiden. Or whatever. As long as you like it :-)
But maybe you also have something useful to say on the questions I *did* ask? About dovecot versions, and/or maildir vs. dbox for example? As the subject said, I was seeking advice, not rant nor war...
Best, Vincent.