Hi all. I have a problem in configuration Mail Server for my company. Gentoo/Linux, postfix-2.7.3, dovecot-2.0.11, AD-Windows2008R2 *main.cf:* virtual_mailbox_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf, ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-users_oblr.cf I create a two ldap files for search Multiple mailboxes in attribute AD (mail, othermailbox). *ldap-users.cf:* server_host = srv-ad.cn.energy search_base = dc=cn,dc=energy version = 3 bind = yes bind_dn = admin bind_pw = passwd chase_referrals = no scope = sub query_filter = (&(objectclass=person)(|(mail=%s))(!(userAccountControl=514))) result_attribute = mail result_format = %s/ *ldap-users_oblr.cf:* server_host = srv-ad.cn.energy search_base = dc=cn,dc=energy version = 3 bind = yes bind_dn = admin bind_pw = passwd chase_referrals = no scope = sub query_filter = (&(objectclass=person)(|(otherMailbox=%s))(!(userAccountControl=514))) result_attribute = otherMailbox
So, you want to know why it was done so stupid? I'll try to explain. I have an account in AD ( eg Ross). In the mail attribute is written, my main mailbox ross@energo.cg.ukrtel.net, and attribute otherMailbox my additional mailboxes simbios@oblr.cn.energy.gov.ua,..., Etc. Postfix does not know how to work with attributes that have multiple meanings. If I'm wrong correct me. ) ) ) Dovecot, respectively, too... ) ) ) *What to do in this situation? Maybe there is some solution?*
*dovecot-ldap.conf:* user_attrs = mail=mail=maildir:/var/spool/mail/%$, quotaBytes=quota_rule=*:bytes=%$ user_filter = (&(objectClass=Person)(sAMAccountName=%n)) pass_attrs = userPassword=password pass_filter = (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%u))
ls /var/mail ross@energo.cg.ukrtel.net simbios@oblr.cn.energy.gov.ua This directory create postfix. With ross Dovecot working fine, but with simbios NOT.
Many thanks for your help!
-- Best Regards Ross Remote Server Administration. e-mail: ross.sysadm@gmail.com skype: ross.sysadm icq: 317410068 Best Offers for a full range of server management services and effective on time solutions.