Thanks, Now I'm starting to get it. but cant get ldap userdb working. First I was using static userdb (Stubid me ... ;)
I added dovecot-ldap-userdb.conf and it's in auth default, but now it does lookup users at all. Account that I try to use to bind ldap is working with postfix. Theres probably something wrong with my static attributes syntax.
## dovecot.conf: (part of it)
auth default {
passdb ldap { args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf }
userdb ldap { args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-userdb.conf }
## new dovecot-ldap-userdb.conf hosts = base = ou=Oppilaitokset,dc=domain,dc=local ldap_version = 3 dn = ad_postfix@domain.local dnpass = *********** user_attrs = sAMAccountName=user,=home=/var/spool/vmail/%u,=gid=12,=uid=1001
## and in dovedot-ldap.conf hosts = base = ou=Oppilaitokset,dc=domain,dc=local ldap_version = 3 auth_bind = yes auth_bind_userdn = domain\%u
Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 17:08 +0300, Petri Asikainen wrote:
Problem is that mail get delivered to /var/spool/vmail/ , not folder named as ldap attribute sAMAccountNameas it should.
I'm guessing your user_attrs setting doesn't contain "sAMAccountName=user" so Dovecot uses the email destination as username. If that doesn't help, post your dovecot-ldap.conf
Second question is can I use ldap groups as distribution lists whit deliver?
deliver can write the mail only to a single recipient. I'd guess you could do this on Postfix side.