On 28/01/2014, at 6:37 PM, Steffen Kaiser <skdovecot@smail.inf.fh-brs.de> wrote:
On Fri, 24 Jan 2014, Alex Ferrara wrote:
I have been able to get the inbox of the shared mailbox to appear in Thunderbird, but I would like to allow all subfolders to have the same ACLs. Is there a way to do this without having an ACL entry for each folder in the dovecot-acl file?
No, currently you need one file per mailbox.
Thanks for the pointer Steffen. Since I am migrating from an established Cyrus installation, I thought that I would be smart about this and make a little script. I have made the script available at the bottom of this message if anyone is interested.
I also cannot seem to create folders
under the shared inbox.
If the accessing user has the "k"-permission, there might be problems with the unix file permissions. Latter logs errors. I think I remember something that you cannot give ACLs to the top most root of some mail storages, e.g. in Maildir Maildir/dovecot-acl applies to the INBOX and there is no file for the "/" or something like that. Can you create a new mailbox below, say, the INBOX?
This is still a problem for me. I can create folders on subfolders of the shared folder, but not under the shared folder itself. I have set "mail_shared_explicit_inbox = no" so the shared folder is the inbox.
If I change "mail_shared_explicit_inbox = yes" then I can create folders underneath the inbox, but still not in the top level. Folders that are already there from the migration work fine. The current configuration I have does not have an inbox per shared mailbox, so I would prefer to replicate that if possible.
I am a little unsure what to try next as I have turned on debug logging and there is no entry in the logs when I unsuccessfully try to create a folder under the top level.
MAILROOT='/mnt/mail/mailboxes' MAILUSER='vmail' MAILGROUP='vmail' SHAREDFILE='/etc/dovecot/shared-mailboxes'
function usage { echo -e "Dovecot ACL tool\n" echo -e "The purpose of this tool is to clone the ACL of the inbox to all child folders\n" echo -e "$0 [ mailbox | -all | -new ]" exit 1 }
function cloneacl { MAILBOX="$MAILROOT/$1/Maildir" ACLFILE="$MAILBOX/dovecot-acl"
if [ -d "$MAILBOX" ]; then echo "Working on mailbox $1..."
# Make sure we have an ACL file
if [ -f "$ACLFILE" ]; then
if [ "$2" == "-new" ]; then
echo "Found ACL file in mailbox $1. Skipping"
echo "ACL file does not exist. Creating one"
echo "group=$1 lrwstipekxa" > "$ACLFILE"
# Copy the ACL file to sub directories
for dir in `find $MAILBOX -type d -name ".*"`; do
cp -av $MAILBOX/dovecot-acl "$dir/"
# Remove the dovecot-acl-list to make the mailboxes appear
if [ -f "$ACLFILE-list" ]; then
rm "$ACLFILE-list"
else echo "Mailbox $1 does not exist" exit 1 fi }
if [ "$1" == "-all" -o "$1" == "-new" ]; then
SHARED=grep shared/ "$SHAREDFILE" | cut -d / -f 4
for mailbox in $SHARED; do cloneacl $mailbox $1 done elif [ $1 ];then cloneacl $1 -single else usage fi