I remember to have written a message to the list but maybe, it wasn't to the list but just the sender. Anyway, here it is:

"Can't you start using an environment where we can separate different topics and lessen mail traffic? I subscribed to the list because there was a problem with reading a certificate. I could solve it by manually changing the file permissions although that solution wasn't elegant. Nobody of creators of dovecot did help. Now, I get lots of emails on topics that are irrelevant to me. Why do we put all that stuff into one bucket where we can't sort things?"

And yes, I did write it to Peter Cooper Jr. only hoping to get to the superior manager of this overwhelming list. He didn't respond. It didn't happen, so please respond to me and stop this spamming machine. I don't need to know how to set up an inconvenient environment or how to add fields or any segmentation faults but only the solution to my particular problem which is solved for now without your help guys. Or actually, it isn't solved, that was just a workaround. A not smart one. So please solve the problem because after all some of you have created this software. For the ones of you that can't find my initial message to the list, it was about dovecot lurking for some certificates after an update making logging in into postfix impossible. I made fire by performing that workaround, can you guys make fire by making this all right by fixing your software or at least reasoning the anomaly.

peacecop kalmer:

Instituudi tee 3-27

76902 Harku



+372  652 4228

+372  5620 4556


On 07.12.20 02:43, John Fawcett wrote:
On 07/12/2020 00:22, michael1970 wrote:

how can I add fields message-id, date, in-reply-to  to fts solr index like
hdr,body,subject or to?

Thanks, Michael

Sent from: http://dovecot.2317879.n4.nabble.com/
Hi Michael

I don't think you have to do anything specific. I did a very standard
setup following the Dovecot documentation and I can search on any of
those fields. What issue are you seeing?
