Hi Johannes,
From: Johannes Berg <johannes@sipsolutions.net>
I just committed a fix to debugv(), can you try that? If you downloaded the tarball, get this one: http://git.sipsolutions.net/?p=dovecot-antispam.git;a=snapshot;h=HEAD;sf=tgz
If you can confirm that works I'll make a new release.
The fixed version works perfectly, thank you very much!
And it prints the full command line to the syslog, I assume? Thanks for testing!
It solves the problem here as well =) Thanks for the update.
Do you plan to implement 'out of band' dspam calling? BTW maybe there is no need for a separate 'queue' folder especially as we only need a message signature. I think it can be stored in some buffer array so as the dspam calls are made i.e. during idle time (or during final cleanup at the latest).
Also I am attaching a couple of patches that might be useful. dspam-exec.c.patch adds debug-dumping of the dspam reply (it turned out quite useful not only for the stack corruption problem). Makefile.patch fixes the syntax to compile with gmake under FreeBSD 6.1 and also adjusts the installed plugin permissions.
Best wishes Eugene