8 May
8 May
2:43 p.m.
Hello Guys, we are using Dovecot since years; all working flawless but one strange behavior:
Let me explain..
- we have enabled the "listescape" plugin in "15-lda.conf", "10-mail.conf" and "20-imap.conf".
- we use the following default namespace in "10-mail.conf": --------------- 10-mail.conf ----------------------------------------- namespace { type = private prefix = separator = / inbox = yes subscriptions = yes }
- we use a sieve script that automatically generates folders in the following form (example):
".INBOX.2014.05.patrick.incoming" for user "patrick@xx.com" ".INBOX.2014.05.patrick.outgoing" for user "patrick@xx.com" ".INBOX.2014.05.p\2edezordo.incoming" for user "p.dezordo@xx.com"
This is ok, but the automatically generated "subscriptions"-file of the user contains double lines (the second line is something strange?!); the second one should not be created, its totally wrong..!
--------------- subscriptions ----------------------------------------- Trash Sent INBOX.2014.05.patrick.incoming INBOX.2014.05.patrick.outgoing INBOX.2014.05.p\2edezordo.incoming INBOX\2e2014\2e05\2ep\5c2edezordo\2eincoming <----- this line!?!?!?
Have you any ideas whats going on? Could this be a bug, or misconfiguration?
Thanks in advance!!
Greeting from Italy! Patrick.