On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 02:54 +0100, Jonathan Tripathy wrote:
I should also mention that I'm refering to VMs using direct block storage such as LVM, not VMs running off image files. Running anything off an image file is indeed going to slow your system down compared to a physical server.
A single VM system using file based storage is not going to beat a physical server. A single VM system running on direct block storage is going to be equal to a physical server in most respects. I'm not even sure if VMWare support that to be honest, but Xen sure does. :)
Not sure how they setup the one I was telling you about, that guys off with the flu, but I'll email him
IMO anyway..
Noel: I tried to reply to your email off list, but it bounced :(
Looks like milter caught you on generic DNS