On 14.2.2014, at 5.15, Peter Chiochetti <pch@myzel.net> wrote:
Can I override the user parameter in solr indexing and searching?
No, and I think that would the wrong solution for this, because it would have to be repeated for everything in Dovecot that uses username as part of the mailbox identifier.
To understand, why I wish for that, please consider my setup:
# Mail is fetched from a remote imap server # dovecot LDA stores into Maildir as system user
# Several virtual users exist in a static userdb # They all share the system users Maildir
# everybody can see, move, delete etc. all the mails # dovecot mail_log plugin is used for audit
Change the user to be the same for all the users. Use the new %{auth_user} variable in v2.2.11+ for logging the unchanged username in login_log_format_elements and mail_log_prefix instead of using %u.