On 13:48:40 2008-10-23 Stephan Bosch <s.bosch@utwente.nl> wrote:
Edgar Fuß wrote:
Is there some simple textual frontend to the ManageSieve protocol somewhat easier to use than gnutls-cli? I.e. something to use like managesieve -u ef putscript myscript < /tmp/myscript Password: managesieve -u ef setactive myscript Password: simply doing the TLS authentication and length computation for me.
Sieve-connect is known to work with dovecot. However, older versions
have the TLS bug. Newer versions circumvent this by sending a
(previously non-existant) NOOP command. I've tested the debian-testing
version (0.59-1) against Dovecot 1.2 and it seems to work fine.If it starts moaning about your snake oil certificate you should modify SSL_verify_mode => 0x00 (line 39 here) at the beginning of the
sieve-connect script.
I use: http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/managesieve/
Not sure if it supports TLS but I doubt it would be that hard to add...
-- Andraž "ruskie" Levstik Source Mage GNU/Linux Games grimoire guru Geek/Hacker/Tinker
Be sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth. Quis custodiet ipsos custodies. Ryle hira.
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