On 2010-01-01, Noel Butler (noel.butler@ausics.net) wrote:
Then again, I might have just missed it. In addition, you do know what time of the year it is, didn't you? Many individuals like myself have better things to do than slave over our PCs waiting to answer questions.
What has this got to do with anything, It was well before Christmas.
It was 12/10/09... two weeks... pretty close if you ask me, lots of people take 2-3 week vacations during this time of year.
to the Postfix forum. Include all relevant and unedited log file
Why? I sent all the relevant information pertaining to my query, no need to send non-related crap.
What you might consider 'non-related crap' is often necessary to answer your question, which is why it is required (per the welcome message you get when subscribing) when asking for help.
No question that the postfix users list is pretty strict about form, but the help available there is top notch, as long as you leave your attitude at the door.