Hi Lucas,

Oh, it's so damn simple!
Thank you!!

Thank you all others aswell, i've read all info sent, thanks!!


On 2022-02-07 22:57, Lucas Rolff wrote:

An option is to use  https://doc.dovecot.org/settings/core/#core_setting-quota_full_tempfail - you can configure it e.g.
protocol lda {
    quota_full_tempfail = yes

On 7 Feb 2022, at 23:41, Jorge Bastos <mysql.jorge@decimal.pt> wrote:


I don't know if this is dovecot specific and i guess it may not be at 100% so I ask for help.

I want postfix not to discard the message imediatly when a mailbox is full, i mean when postfix tries to deliver it to dovecot lmtp.
Is it possible to change the behavior to something like what postfix does when he tries to deliver a message to an external server and the server is unaccessible for 4 days (the default i guess), and if in that period discard it.

Does this exists? At least i know gmail does something similar to this.

I've tried to google a bit but didn't found info that could lead me to this configuration.

Thanks in advanced,