9 Dec
9 Dec
11:34 a.m.
Daniel Spannbauer ds@marco.de writes:
my ~.muttrc is completly empty. But in my globnal /etc/Muttrc there are some configs.
IMHO, there is a script somewhere in your configuration generating the list of mailboxes, and it generates it wrong, probably because it thinks that the maildir structure is of the type LAYOUT=FS, and not Maildir++.
folder="imap://ds@homedirs/" spoolfile="imap://ds@homedirs/INBOX"
This is fine.
postponed="imap://ds@homedirs/.Drafts" record="imap://ds@homedirs/.Sent"
This is wrong.
imap_list_subscribed is set
Not sure about this one, because you told that there were no dots in the subscription file.
-- Nicolas