Thanks Michael,

 I have followed your advice and reading more wiki page and understood that if FTS is not updated during delivery, it will be updated when there is new SEARCH request going into Solr. Is my understanding correct?

- Joe

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 8:22 PM Michael Wagner <> wrote:
On Jul 30, 2018 um 16:48:13, Joe Wong wrote:
> Hello, I am new to Dovecot, testing the setup with Solr FTS plugin. Currently I
> am using procmail to delivery email into user's mailbox. I am using maildir on
> file system. I found that if email is delivered via procmail, the
> indexer-worker is not being called. But when I move the email between folders
> via IMAP, indexer is involved. Is this expected?

Hello Joe,

I ran in the problem a few weeks ago. You must use dovecot for delivery
in your procmailrc. I have



* ^Subject:.*apt-listchanges
| $DELIVER -m apt-listchanges


-m mailbox
Destination  mailbox  (default  is INBOX).  If the mailbox doesn't
exist, it will not be created (unless the lda_mailbox_autocreate setting
is set to yes).  If a message couldn't be saved to the mailbox for any
reason, it's delivered to INBOX instead.

Hth Michael

Never test for an error you don't know how to handle.