In sieve, 'keep' is usually equivalent to 'fileinto "INBOX"'. As such, you ending up with duplicates in that configuration does not seem strange as both of those operations will cause a copy of the message to be filed to your inbox.
Your new configuration is correct.
That said, Dovecot's sieve implementation, Pigeonhole, is versioned separately from Dovecot itself. Therefore, you should determine which pigeonhole version you upgraded from (we are currently at 0.5.6), and possibly peruse the Pigeonhole changelog to find the change:
Best regards, Eirik
On 29/05/2019 17:48, Gter Marcelo via dovecot wrote:
Hi People,
I'm use dovecot in my mailbox system, until last month i used the dovecot version 2.0 and now i use version 2.2, version 2.2 works well for me, but i have one small problem, in sieve.
In version 2.0 i had rules in sieve similiar to rule bellow:
if allof (true){ keep; fileinto "INBOX"; redirect "xxxxxx" <>"; stop; }
In the new version 2.2 this rules above, i have one problem duplicate messages in account from my clients, in paste INBOX, therefore, i changed rule to bellow ( with remove fileinto inbox)
if allof (true){ keep; redirect "xxxxxx" <>"; stop; }
Dovecot really changed your behavor, i did right to fix this ?
Thanks a Lot, Marcelo