On 9/12/2010 6:14 PM, Aladdin wrote:
Thanks, Stephan, for the quick reply.
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the problem. I don't have any of the configuration options set to which that wiki page refers and I'm not using SQL; furthermore, I set the "auth_debug" variable which that page also recommended and it does not show any modification of the user/domain variables. My logs and errors are identical to those on my OP.
What else could be the problem?
I must say I haven toyed with this for a long time.
Well, clearly LDA is using a bare username and not username@domain.tld. Now I am interested in how dovecot-lda is called from your MTA (e.g. from Exim/Postfix/Qmail). Particularly these arguments are interesting (http://wiki2.dovecot.org/LDA):
-d <username>: Destination username. If given, the user information is looked up from dovecot-auth. Typically used with virtual users, but not necessarily with system users. -a <address>: Destination address (e.g. user+ext@domain). Default is the same as username.
Also take a look at the MTA-specific pages referenced from the LDA wiki page for examples.