Hello Eric,
thank you very much for your prompt and helpful reply!
The connect seem to work fine now.
Please allow me two additional questions: Is it correct that this database-table is only a "caching-table" which is empty at first and will be filled later? It is not necessary to adapt the SQL-statement to my user-configuration, is it?! Correct. The table is filled when the message is moved to one of the folders that is marked as an Expire folder. That folder is added to the
Jens Meyer wrote: table with a timestamp like so:
$ echo "select * from mail.expire where path like 'eric%'" | mysql -u root -p Enter password: username path timestamp eric@flerd.com/Junk 1217943338 eric@flerd.com/Trash 1217941084
Is it necessary to reference the foldernames with "INBOX.Trash" or only "Trash"? For Sieve I have to use "INBOX.Trash".
Use INBOX.Trash if the trash folder you're looking to clear out is a subfolder of your Inbox.
Actually nothing happens when trying the plugin with "dovecot --exec-mail ext /usr/libexec/dovecot/expire-tool --test". Do you have the plugin loaded in the imap protocol section?
protocol imap { ... mail_plugins = fts fts_squat quota imap_quota expire ... }
If you do then the table should get updated when you move a message into the trash folder.
If you've got the plugin set correctly and you're still not getting anything written into the table you can restart mysql with query logging on:
Then move a message to one of the expire folders and see what query is run on the database and if it's not succeeding due to an error.