Hello Geert,
On Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 01:06:37AM +0200, Stephan Bosch wrote:
This patch still includes (yet another) instance of the CMU Sieve source, as explained in one of my previous e-mails.
On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 12:10:35AM +0200, Stephan Bosch wrote:
Considering the dovecot-sieve plugin, I noticed that you obviously do not want to include the cmu sieve code in the main dovecot source tree. Unfortunately I did not see any other way but to include this library in my patch to make it support checking the uploaded scripts (for now).
I could. In July 2006 I did not yet notice the existance of the sievec binary so included the cmu sieve library just as Timo did for the dovecot-sieve plugin. Apart from the obvious omission of the libsieve
Geert Hendrickx schreef: source tree in the patch, I currently see no benefits in changing the patch to use sievec. When/If it is merged into the mainstream dovecot or the dovecot-sieve plugin, it will use the same sieve implementation as dovecot without using the sievec binary anyway. So changing that now would require even more changes to be made later on when thnings need to be merged. Apart from all that, I think compiling it directly with the sieve library is much cleaner; for instance, the managesieve server can directly query the library for the supported extensions without hardcoding them separately in the managesieve patch.
Unless you or Timo have strong arguments to the opposite, I currently have no plans to change the current connection of sieve to the managesieve patch until dovecot(-sieve) 2.0.
Kind regards,