On Thu, 2007-05-24 at 14:53 -0500, Eric Rostetter wrote:
I learned the last time this came up that people who can't understand why overloading IMAP with other protocols is bad also can't understand how ssh authentication works or what the difference is between a protocol and an application.
Hm. I guess so. I haven't followed most threads in depth, just threw in a comment here and there...
The fact is, 99% of the people who want to add additional protocols to the IMAP protocol just don't care about any alternatives. They want to overload the IMAP protocol and they won't consider any other options.
Which is sad since other protocols can give them so much more flexibility with so much less headwind.
Trying to explain to them that ssh authentication can handle virtual users is just going to result in being flamed as ignorant. I say this from experience on this list.
Well, here's to hoping that this misfeature will never make it into anything I end up supporting. Nightmare.