On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 11:06 +0200, Lutz Preßler wrote:
another problem with changed separator (2.0.5-0~auto+23 (b8803a1e2dc2)). I tried sharing virtual folders (see next mail), and noticed that sharing of subfolders does not seem to work if the "receiving" user has a changed separator (different separator/prefix settings through userdb_namespace attributes).
The separators are always stored using the physical separator and only converted to namespace's virtual separator when needed. So your question comes down to "shared mailboxes don't work if I change namespace separator to different from the physical separator". But people have been doing that for a long time..
If you set mail_debug=yes, what does it log with separator=. and with separator=^? Also does it happen to work if you set separator=/?