16 Oct
16 Oct
5 p.m.
Hello all
How Dovecot 1.1.3 quota script understand to who send a mail?
In try to do this:
In conf: quota_warning = storage=80%% /usr/local/bin/quota-warning.sh 80 %u@%d
In logs: IQuota warning: bytes=168611020 (80%) messages=0 (0%) command=/usr/local/bin/quota-warning.sh 80 dump-capability@
*what is dump-capability@ ? OS related user?...*
#cat quota-warning.sh
echo "Your mailbox is $PERCENT% full. If it overfill - you will can not get new email. Please clean up your mailbox.
-- Mail Administator" | /usr/bin/mail -s "Email mailbox is $PERCENT% full" $TO -f postmaster@domain.off
exit 0
Im thinking in wrong way?
-- Best regards, Proskurin Kirill