/* Place this file to compiled Dovecot sources' root directory and run: gcc imaptest.c -o imaptest -Wall -W -I. -Isrc/lib -DHAVE_CONFIG_H src/lib/liblib.a */ #include "lib.h" #include "base64.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "str.h" #include "network.h" #include "istream.h" #include "ostream.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* IP / port where to connect to */ #define IP "" #define PORT 14300 /* Username. You can give either a single user, or a number of users in which case the username gets randomized at each connection. */ //#define USERNAME_TEMPLATE "u%04d@d%04d.domain.org" //#define USERNAME_TEMPLATE "test%ld" #define USERNAME_TEMPLATE "tsiraine" #define USER_RAND 99 #define DOMAIN_RAND 99 /* Password (for all users) */ #define PASSWORD "pass" /* Number of simultaneous client connections */ #define CLIENTS_COUNT 20 /* Try to keep around this many messages in mailbox (in expunge + append) */ #define MESSAGE_COUNT_THRESHOLD 100 /* Append messages from this mbox file to mailboxes */ #define MBOX_PATH "/home/tsiraine/mail/dovecot.mbox" /* Use AUTHENTICATE command instead of LOGIN command */ #define USE_AUTHENTICATE /* Append mails */ #define APPENDS /* Expunge mails */ #define EXPUNGES /* Randomly disconnect clients */ #define DISCONNECTS 20 struct { char *ip, *username_template, *password, *mbox_path; int port; unsigned int clients_count; int use_authenticate; int message_count_threshold; } conf; enum client_state { STATE_BANNER, STATE_AUTHENTICATE, STATE_LOGIN, STATE_SELECT, STATE_FETCH, STATE_FETCH2, STATE_STORE, STATE_EXPUNGE, STATE_APPEND, STATE_LOGOUT, STATE_COUNT }; char *states[STATE_COUNT] = { "BANNER", "AUTHENTICATE", "LOGIN", "SELECT", "FETCH", "FETCH2", "STORE", "EXPUNGE", "APPEND", "LOGOUT" }; struct client { unsigned int idx; unsigned int cur, messages, deleted; struct istream *input; struct ostream *output; struct io *io; enum client_state state; struct mbox *mbox; uoff_t literal_length; int literal_nextline; time_t last_io; char *username; }; struct mbox { int fd; char *path; struct istream *input; }; static int clients_count = 0; static struct ioloop *ioloop; static unsigned int counters[STATE_COUNT], disconnects; static struct client **clients; void client_free(struct client *client); static struct mbox *mbox_open(const char *path) { struct mbox *mbox; mbox = i_new(struct mbox, 1); mbox->path = i_strdup(path); mbox->fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (mbox->fd == -1) i_fatal("open(%s) failed: %m", path); mbox->input = i_stream_create_file(mbox->fd, default_pool, (size_t)-1, FALSE); return mbox; } static void mbox_close(struct mbox *mbox) { i_stream_unref(&mbox->input); (void)close(mbox->fd); i_free(mbox->path); i_free(mbox); } static uoff_t mbox_get_next_size(struct mbox *mbox) { const char *line; uoff_t offset, last_offset, size; line = i_stream_read_next_line(mbox->input); if (line == NULL) { if (mbox->input->v_offset == 0) i_fatal("Empty mbox file: %s", mbox->path); i_stream_seek(mbox->input, 0); return mbox_get_next_size(mbox); } /* should be From-line */ if (strncmp(line, "From ", 5) != 0) { if (mbox->input->v_offset == 0) i_fatal("Not a valid mbox file: %s", mbox->path); i_panic("From-line not found at %"PRIuUOFF_T, mbox->input->v_offset); } offset = last_offset = mbox->input->v_offset; while ((line = i_stream_read_next_line(mbox->input)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(line, "From ", 5) == 0) { if (offset != last_offset) break; /* empty body */ offset = last_offset; } last_offset = mbox->input->v_offset; } if (offset == last_offset) i_fatal("mbox file ends with From-line: %s", mbox->path); size = last_offset - offset; i_stream_seek(mbox->input, offset); return size; } static int client_parse_literal(struct client *client) { const unsigned char *data; size_t size; data = i_stream_get_data(client->input, &size); if (size < client->literal_length) { i_stream_skip(client->input, size); client->literal_length -= size; return FALSE; } i_stream_skip(client->input, client->literal_length); client->literal_length = 0; client->literal_nextline = TRUE; return TRUE; } static int client_skip_line(struct client *client, const char *line) { size_t len = strlen(line); if (line[len-1] != '}') return TRUE; len--; /* skip literal */ while (len > 0 && i_isdigit(line[len-1])) len--; if (len == 0 || line[len-1] != '{') { i_error("Invalid literal in: %s", line); client_free(client); return FALSE; } client->literal_length = strtoul(t_strcut(line+len, '}'), NULL, 10); return client_parse_literal(client); } static void client_handle_untagged(struct client *client, const char *line) { if (i_isdigit(line[3])) { const char *p = strchr(line+2, ' '); unsigned int num; if (p++ == NULL) { i_error("%s: Unexpected: %s", client->username, line); return; } num = strtoul(t_strcut(line+2, ' '), NULL, 10); if (strcasecmp(p, "EXISTS") == 0) client->messages = num; if (num > client->messages && client->state > STATE_SELECT) { i_fatal("%s: seq too high (%u > %u, state=%d): %s", client->username, num, client->messages, client->state, line); } if (strcasecmp(p, "EXPUNGE") == 0) client->messages--; } else if (strncasecmp(line+3, "BYE ", 4) == 0) { i_info("%s: %s", client->username, line + 3); } } static int client_append(struct client *client) { const char *cmd; struct istream *input; uoff_t size, next_offset; off_t ret; size = mbox_get_next_size(client->mbox); cmd = t_strdup_printf("a APPEND INBOX {%"PRIuUOFF_T"+}\r\n", size); o_stream_send_str(client->output, cmd); next_offset = client->mbox->input->v_offset + size; input = i_stream_create_limit(default_pool, client->mbox->input, client->mbox->input->v_offset, size); ret = o_stream_send_istream(client->output, input); i_stream_unref(&input); o_stream_send_str(client->output, "\r\n"); if (ret != (off_t)size) { if (ret < 0) i_error("APPEND failed: %m"); else { i_error("APPEND failed: Sent only %" PRIuUOFF_T" of %"PRIuUOFF_T, ret, size); } i_stream_seek(client->mbox->input, next_offset); return -1; } return 0; } static void client_input(void *context) { struct client *client = context; const char *line, *str; string_t *cmd, *buf; unsigned int i; client->last_io = ioloop_time; switch (i_stream_read(client->input)) { case 0: return; case -1: /* disconnected */ client_free(client); return; case -2: /* buffer full */ i_error("line too long"); client_free(client); return; } if (client->literal_length > 0) { if (!client_parse_literal(client)) return; } while ((line = i_stream_next_line(client->input)) != NULL) { if (client->literal_nextline) { client->literal_nextline = FALSE; if (!client_skip_line(client, line)) return; continue; } if (strncmp(line, "* ", 2) == 0 && client->state != STATE_BANNER) { client_handle_untagged(client, line); if (!client_skip_line(client, line)) return; continue; } switch (client->state) { case STATE_BANNER: if(conf.use_authenticate) { str = "l AUTHENTICATE plain\r\n"; client->state = STATE_AUTHENTICATE; } else { str = t_strdup_printf("l LOGIN \"%s\" \"%s\"\r\n", client->username, conf.password); client->state = STATE_LOGIN; } o_stream_send_str(client->output, str); break; case STATE_AUTHENTICATE: buf = t_str_new(512); cmd = t_str_new(512); str_append_c(buf, '\0'); str_append(buf, client->username); str_append_c(buf, '\0'); str_append(buf, conf.password); base64_encode(buf->data, buf->used, cmd); str_append(cmd, "\r\n"); o_stream_send_str(client->output, str_c(cmd)); client->state = STATE_LOGIN; break; case STATE_LOGIN: if (strncasecmp(line, "l OK", 4) != 0) { i_error("Login failed: %s", line); client_free(client); return; } o_stream_send_str(client->output, "s SELECT INBOX\r\n"); client->state = STATE_SELECT; break; case STATE_SELECT: if (strncasecmp(line, "s OK", 4) != 0) { i_error("SELECT failed: %s", line); client_free(client); return; } /*i_info("%s: %u messages", client->username, client->messages);*/ if (client->messages == 0) goto __append; o_stream_send_str(client->output, "f FETCH 1:* (UID FLAGS ENVELOPE BODY)\r\n"); client->state = STATE_FETCH; break; case STATE_FETCH: if (strncasecmp(line, "f OK", 4) != 0) { i_error("FETCH failed: %s", line); client_free(client); return; } o_stream_send_str(client->output, t_strdup_printf("f2 FETCH %lu (BODY[])\r\n", (random() % client->messages) + 1)); client->state = STATE_FETCH2; break; case STATE_FETCH2: if (strncasecmp(line, "f2 OK", 5) != 0) { i_error("FETCH BODY[] failed: %s", line); client_free(client); return; } #ifndef EXPUNGES goto __append; #endif /* delete them randomly */ cmd = t_str_new(512); str_append(cmd, "s STORE "); for (i = 1; i <= client->messages; i++) { if ((random() % 10) == 0) { str_printfa(cmd, "%u,", i); client->deleted++; } } if (client->deleted == 0) goto __append; str_truncate(cmd, str_len(cmd) - 1); str_append(cmd, " +FLAGS.SILENT \\Deleted\r\n"); o_stream_send_str(client->output, str_c(cmd)); client->state = STATE_STORE; break; case STATE_STORE: if (strncasecmp(line, "s OK", 4) != 0) { i_error("STORE failed: %s", line); client_free(client); return; } o_stream_send_str(client->output, "e EXPUNGE\r\n"); client->state = STATE_EXPUNGE; break; case STATE_EXPUNGE: if (strncasecmp(line, "e OK", 4) != 0) { i_error("EXPUNGE failed: %s", line); client_free(client); return; } __append: #ifndef APPENDS goto __logout; #endif if (client->messages >= conf.message_count_threshold) goto __logout; if (client_append(client) < 0) { client_free(client); return; } client->state = STATE_APPEND; break; case STATE_APPEND: if (strncasecmp(line, "a OK", 4) != 0) { i_error("APPEND failed: %s", line); client_free(client); return; } if (client->messages < conf.message_count_threshold && (rand() % 5) == 0) { /* append more */ if (client_append(client) < 0) { client_free(client); return; } break; } __logout: o_stream_send_str(client->output, "x LOGOUT\r\n"); client->state = STATE_LOGOUT; break; case STATE_LOGOUT: break; case STATE_COUNT: i_unreached(); } counters[client->state]++; #ifdef DISCONNECTS if ((rand() % DISCONNECTS) == 0) { /* random disconnection */ disconnects++; client_free(client); break; } #endif } } static int client_output(void *context) { struct client *client = context; int ret; ret = o_stream_flush(client->output); client->last_io = ioloop_time; return ret; } struct client *client_new(unsigned int idx, struct mbox *mbox) { struct client *client; struct ip_addr ip; int fd; net_addr2ip(conf.ip, &ip); fd = net_connect_ip(&ip, conf.port, NULL); if (fd < 0) { i_error("connect() failed: %m"); return NULL; } client = i_new(struct client, 1); client->idx = idx; client->mbox = mbox; client->input = i_stream_create_file(fd, default_pool, 65536, TRUE); client->output = o_stream_create_file(fd, default_pool, (size_t)-1, FALSE); client->io = io_add(fd, IO_READ, client_input, client); client->username = i_strdup_printf(conf.username_template, (random() % USER_RAND) + 1, (random() % DOMAIN_RAND) + 1); client->last_io = ioloop_time; o_stream_set_flush_callback(client->output, client_output, client); clients_count++; clients[idx] = client; return client; } void client_free(struct client *client) { struct mbox *mbox = client->mbox; unsigned int idx = client->idx; --clients_count; clients[idx] = NULL; /*if (--clients_count == 0) io_loop_stop(ioloop);*/ io_remove(&client->io); o_stream_unref(&client->output); i_stream_unref(&client->input); i_free(client->username); i_free(client); client_new(idx, mbox); } static void print_header(void) { printf("Auth Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Expu Appe Logo Disc\n"); } static void print_timeout(void *context __attr_unused__) { static int rowcount = 0; unsigned int i; if ((rowcount++ % 10) == 0) print_header(); for (i = 1; i < STATE_COUNT; i++) { printf("%4d ", counters[i]); counters[i] = 0; } printf("%4d\n", disconnects); for (i = 0; i < conf.clients_count; i++) { if (clients[i] != NULL && clients[i]->last_io < ioloop_time - 15) { printf(" - %d. stalled for %u secs in %s\n", i, (unsigned)(ioloop_time - clients[i]->last_io), states[clients[i]->state]); } } disconnects = 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct mbox *mbox; char *p, *s; unsigned int i; while(argc-- > 1) { if( (!strcmp(argv[argc], "-h")) || (!strcmp(argv[argc], "--help"))) { printf("imaptest [USER@IP:PORTNO] [pass=PASSWORD] [mbox=MBOX] [clients=CC] [msgs=NMSG] [use_authenticate] [PORTNO]\n"); printf("USER = template for username. \"u%%04d\" will generate\nusers \"u0001\" to \"u0100\"\n"); printf("MBOX = path to mbox from which we read mails to append.\n"); printf("CC = number of concurrent clients. [20]\n"); printf("NMSG = target number of messages in INBOX. [100]\n"); printf("If use_authenticate is given AUTHENTICATE will be used instead of LOGIN.\n"); exit(0); } if(strcmp(argv[argc], "use_authenticate")==0) { conf.use_authenticate = 1; continue; } /* pass=password */ if(strncmp(argv[argc], "pass=", 5)==0) { conf.password = argv[argc] + 5; continue; } /* mbox=path */ if(strncmp(argv[argc], "mbox=", 5)==0) { conf.mbox_path = argv[argc] + 5; continue; } /* clients=# */ if(strncmp(argv[argc], "clients=", 8)==0) { conf.clients_count = atoi(argv[argc] + 8); continue; } /* msgs=# */ if(strncmp(argv[argc], "msgs=", 5)==0) { conf.message_count_threshold = atoi(argv[argc] + 5); continue; } /* user@ip:port */ if( (p = strchr(argv[argc], '@'))) { if(p != argv[argc]) { conf.username_template = strdup(argv[argc]); s = strchr(conf.username_template, '@'); *s = 0; } if(*(p+1) && (*(p+1) != ':')) { conf.ip = strdup(p+1); s = strchr(conf.ip, ':'); if(s) { *s = 0; conf.port = atoi(s+1); } } if(*(p+1) && (*(p+1) == ':') && *(p+2)) conf.port = atoi(p+2); continue; } /* 143 */ if(!conf.port) for(p=argv[argc];*p;p++) { if(!isdigit(*p)) break; if(!*(p+1)) conf.port = atoi(argv[argc]); } } if(!conf.password) conf.password = "pass"; if(!conf.username_template) conf.username_template = "test"; if(!conf.port) conf.port = 143; if(!conf.ip) conf.ip = ""; if(!conf.mbox_path) conf.mbox_path = "/root/imaptest.mbox"; if(!conf.clients_count) conf.clients_count = 20; if(!conf.message_count_threshold) conf.message_count_threshold = 100; clients = malloc(conf.clients_count * sizeof(struct client*)); memset(clients, 0, conf.clients_count * sizeof(struct client*)); printf("Using %s@%s:%d\n pass=\"%s\"\n mbox=\"%s\"\n client_count=%d\n authcmd=%s\n messages in mbox (target)=%d\n", conf.username_template, conf.ip, conf.port, conf.password, conf.mbox_path, conf.clients_count, conf.use_authenticate?"AUTHENTICATE":"LOGIN", conf.message_count_threshold); lib_init(); ioloop = io_loop_create(system_pool); mbox = mbox_open(conf.mbox_path); timeout_add(1000, print_timeout, NULL); for (i = 0; i < conf.clients_count; i++) client_new(i, mbox); io_loop_run(ioloop); mbox_close(mbox); io_loop_destroy(&ioloop); lib_deinit(); return 0; }