Quoting Aki Tuomi <aki.tuomi@open-xchange.com>:

On 03.10.2018 23:30, Eric Broch wrote:

Hello list,

I run Dovecot with the vpopmail driver and have found that it
authenticates against the clear text password in the vpopmail
database. Is there a configuration option either at compile time, link
time, or a setting in one of the configuration files that tells the
program to authenticate against the hash instead of the clear text?

Prefix your passwords in vpopmail with {SCHEME} (like,  {CRYPT})

Or use SQL -  then you don't have to munge any of your tools.

password_query =
SELECT CONCAT(pw_name, '@', pw_domain) AS user, pw_passwd AS password, pw_dir as userdb_home, 89 as userdb_uid, 89 as userdb_gid
FROM vpopmail WHERE pw_name = '%n' AND pw_domain = '%d' AND !(pw_gid & 8) AND !(pw_gid & 2) AND ('%r'!='<webserverip>' or !(pw_gid & 4))

pw_gid refers to the the binary vpopmail flags for disable POP, IMAP, Webmail.
