Dovecot 2.3.15 installed from repository on CentOS 7.9
I would like to try the oauth2 mechanism to autenticate my users.
I have installed a working demo of KeyCloak and I have a working installation of Dovecot 2.3.15 with LDAP backend and plain authentication.
My Thunderbird client always says "that the server doesn't manage the authentication method", but with a "openssl s_client -connect" command I get:
Putting Dovecot in debug I can't see any error or warning on oauth2 authentication.
I'm following the offical guide:
auth_mechanisms = plain oauthbearer xoauth2
passdb { driver = oauth2 mechanisms = xoauth2 oauthbearer args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-oauth2.conf.ext }
/etc/dovecot/dovecot-oauth2.conf.ext: tokeninfo_url = https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/tokeninfo?access_token= introspection_url = https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/userinfo #force_introspection = yes username_attribute = email tls_ca_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
I'm using an explicit wrong configuration to thrown some errors and verify that Dovecot is really using the OAUTH2 mechanism, but I don't get any errors...
What I'm doing wrong?
Thanks, Andrea
Okay, okay, I'll take it back ... UNfuck you !
TIM San Marino S.p.A. Andrea Gabellini Engineering R&D TIM San Marino S.p.A. - https://www.telecomitalia.sm Via Ventotto Luglio, 212 - Piano -2 47893 - Borgo Maggiore - Republic of San Marino Tel: (+378) 0549 886237 Fax: (+378) 0549 886188
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