Yes, you can use flat file dict with expire as well, but its performance probably won't be very good. It was designed for small files. Maybe use sqlite instead?
On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 16:19 -0200, Thiago Henrique wrote:
doveadm-expunge works fine! Now I want to improve performance. Is there flat file dict to Expire plugin like Quota ?
-- Thiago Henrique
Em Seg, 2010-08-02 às 15:41 +0100, Timo Sirainen escreveu:
On Mon, 2010-08-02 at 10:33 -0300, Thiago Henrique wrote:
Cyrus has a setting that purge the emails from a mailbox under a pre-defined criteria. For example:
EVENTS { ... # At 12:01 delete messages older than 60 days in SPAM folder deletespam cmd="ipurge -d 60 -f user/*/SPAM" at=1201 }
Is there in Dovecot any setting like this ?
With v2.0 it's been pretty much redesigned to run via doveadm, which works much better and easier: