Op 20/11/2018 om 22:51 schreef jon.sp2@wp.pl:

Could you please advice how I can replace envelope of a message received on my server? Best would be using sieve.

Simple case - email A@example.com receives message, which I'd like to repack into new envelope (I want to have control what values in the envelope will be there - from, to, replay-to et.c) and send to B@test.com.

At first I wanted to use editheader extension, but it is not allowing me to modify From or To values as far as I can tell. Another idea was to use envelope, but I don't see any way of editing values. Only reading.

Now, I am thinking of writing script and from sieve it will be passed there, where I'll do message parsing and send new message using mutt or something similar. Frankly speaking I suppose there is much better solution to that and I'd appreciate any advice on the topic.

Your story conflates the message envelope with the message header. From your description, I gather you in fact mean the message headers that contain sender and recipient addresses. You should be able to modify those using the editheader extension (first deleteheader then addheader).

