On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 17:47:36 +1200 Zach Bagnall <zach.bagnall@bulletinwireless.com> wrote:
Might want to add a delay on that or only match messages that have been Seen, otherwise it'll classify mail that hasn't been read yet. Maybe..
That is not a problem - if something is wrongly classified but then later moved, the next sa-learn will correct the Bayes database.
On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 01:16:00 +0100 Andrew Basterfield <bob@cemetery.homeunix.org> wrote:
why #!/bin/bash?
I see nothing there that won't work with #!/bin/sh
That's probably true, but I see no reason to specify sh just because it will work. If you feel bash is the wrong way of going about this, feel free to change it! The original poster was asking how to solve a particular problem, and as it was one that I had solved myself I decided to help him out. I do not for one moment pretend that mine is either the perfect or only answer, but it does have one redeeming feature: it works.