18 May
18 May
4:42 p.m.
Here's the meat of the dovecot-ldap.conf file I'm using: hosts = 192.168.x.x dn = cn=Administrator,cn=Users,DC=domain,DC=local dnpass = xxxxx auth_bind = yes ldap_version = 3 base = DC=domain,DC=local scope = subtree user_attrs = sAMAccountName,mail,,,, user_filter = (&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(sAMAccountName=%u)) pass_filter = (&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(sAMAccountName=%u)) user_global_uid = 44 user_global_gid = 44
You might want to turn off auth_bind. auth_bind will bind to the active directory/ldap server with the user's credentials, not the dn. Not sure if that's what is causing your problems or not.