On Tuesday 22 January 2008 22:02:26 Jon Fullmer wrote:
I'm sorry I didn't clarify that. Yes, I am using Dovecot deliver as my LDA. Here's the line I have in Postfix's master.cf:
dovecot unix - n n - - pipe flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -f $ {sender} -d ${user}@${nexthop} -n -m ${extension}
Long story short, (too late) the e-mails are being delivered, but to a
completely new mailbox called "<user>+spam". For example, when I list
the directory "<domain>.<tld>", I now see two mailboxes (as opposed to
one): "<user>" and "<user>+spam".
I re-read the original... are you sure you are using Dovecot deliver? I didn't think it created mailboxes for non-existent users? I mean is "<user>+spam" a user? If not then why is a directory being created? Just seems weird but maybe deliver does that.
My only thought is make sure these lines (or something appropriate for your setup) is in Postfix's main.cf.
recipient_delimiter = + dovecot_destination_recipient_limit = 1 virtual_mailbox_domains = your.domain.here virtual_transport = dovecot