indeed, this is case for me as well -- no obvious problems on the client side. but more often than not checking mail from the Mac (Thunderbird and leaves an 'imap' process running in a loop and consuming all available CPU resources -- i end up 'sudo kill -9'-ing them throughout the day.
Maikel Verheijen wrote:
Hi Darren,
On Mar 31, 2004, at 6:22 PM, darren david wrote:
hey all-
just a ping to see if this ssue has been resolved. it's still popping up for me. Also wondering whose the owner of the OpenBSD port and if we'll be seeing an updated version anytime soon? we're still on as far as i can tell...
I am running dovecot on FreeBSD 5.2.1-p4, and I use MacOS X 10.3.3 to connect to the imap + imaps ports. I have no problems I can tell at the moment, all mail that gets in, I see in my client, I can delete and move all I want :)
cheers, darren
Maikel Verheijen