Thank you Nikita, that's what I need.
El 10/08/2011 03:35 a.m., Nikita Koshikov escribió:
On Tue, 09 Aug 2011 11:18:55 -0300 Juan Bernhard wrote:
Hi Nikita, thanks for the help, but I don't have any problem with bouncing the mail after the deliver (in fact, the mail pass two MTAs servers before reaching the final storage) I will try (with my limited english) to explain it better. Now I m working with a single quota rule for everyone. What I need is a mechanism to give a custom quota to each user. I thought that a flat file will be the simple and easy option to implement, and then use "quota=${lookup {$local_part} lsearch .....}" in the exim transport. I need a way to configure dovecot to follow the same file (or at least a modified copy). I've been told on this list that I can't rely on the maildirsize file, because it can be deleted under some conditions... so i neet to stablish quotas to dovecot somewhere else. My question is: can dovecot get a custon quota for a user from a file (not sql or ldap) and use at the same time pam as userdb?
Thanks, Juan. So, you need customizable userdb lookup without ldap or sql. You can try too use checkpassword as userdb and then, in the script - parse quota-file, make pam lookup and return userdb_quota* values for specific user. More on . I don't have experience with this authdatabase method, but seems that it suitable for you. But in general - it's better to prevent editing maildirsize file from 2 instances.