On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Marten Lehmann wrote:
Let's put together some posts:
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 15:10:00 +0100 From: Marten Lehmann <lehmann@cnm.de> Subject: Re: [Dovecot] new configure-option --disable-index
However, I never used passwd, but it's limited to uid/pwd/homedir anyway, right? So you ought to have some fixed template to reach your mailboxes relative to the user's homedirectory, which you can put into default_mail_env and add the ":INDEX=MEMORY" there.
As I said before: The Maildir-folder is more complex.
Let's say we have a mailbox called try@test.de, the it's maildir-location would be /pop3/mailboxes/t/te/test.de/_/try/Maildir.
If it would be a subdomain of test.de, lets says try@subdomain.test.de, the maildir-location would be /pop3/mailboxes/t/te/test.de/subdomain/try/Maildir.
Let me guess another time:
your passwd-file entry looks like so: try:pwd:uid:gid:gecos:/pop3/mailboxes/t/te/test.de/subdomain/try:/bin/false
As Dovecot is concerned the homedirectory of "try" is: /pop3/mailboxes/t/te/test.de/subdomain/try
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 14:56:33 +0100 (CET) From: Jakob Hirsch <jh@plonk.de> Reply-To: "dovecot@dovecot.org" <dovecot@dovecot.org> Subject: Re: [Dovecot] new configure-option --disable-index
Marten Lehmann wrote:
The default is autodetection. I don't think that dovecot will be able to find my mailboxes without giving it a hint, because the location is neither /var/spool/mail/%u nor ~/Maildir :-)
~/MailDir would expand to /pop3/mailboxes/t/te/test.de/subdomain/try/MaiDir, because that's try's home directory.
You have to give it some hint where they are, of course, e.g. the home directory.
is it possible the define default_mail_env so that the homedir given in the userdb is used, e.g.
default_mail_env = maildir:$HOME:INDEX=MEMORY
That's a question, correct? :-)
default_mail_env = maildir:%h/MailDir:INDEX=MEMORY -or even, if you don't use the home directory for other stuff than email- default_mail_env = maildir:%h:INDEX=MEMORY
So: as long as your userdb always returns the location of the mail storage location as home directory, you use a fixed template for the mail folders and, hence, can use default_mail_env
-- Steffen Kaiser