Dear Rick, Thanks for your feedback. I think rsync might be a better option. Its(imap server)with gmail so I dont think it would work .
Furthermore I am running a linux system(Ubuntu 14.04 to be precise). Does Mercury 32 support it?
From the site it seems not.
Please advise. Regards Kevin
On Thursday, August 6, 2015, Rick Romero <> wrote:
Quoting Kevin Laurie <>:
I am trying to back up my IMAP server to a hard drive. Later I intend to extract all mails for attachments. What do you reckon is the best too to perform this ?
Imapsync or Thunderbird (or something else, please recommend)
One problem I am having with imapsync is the setting for host2 (being a localhost computer). How does one set a parameter for host2 being a desktop computer.
You could run Mercury/32 as a local IMAP server that could be your 'desktop destination'.
Though I'd assume the typical backup solution for a smaller environment would probably use rsync (unless your server is a VM, then you could image the whole VM via whatever utilities the host provides).