On Sun, Mar 17, 2019, at 2:06 PM, Sakuma, Koshiro via dovecot wrote:
Hi, K,

Thanks for your feedback again!  BTW, I tried to copy mail file from sent item folder which is default folder of Outlook 2013 to "Sent Messages" folder of Dovecot.  I can see the mail files in this folder, but I don't see them under .Sent Messages folder like "new", "cur" and "tmp" folders.
You have any idea where the mail files are copied??  

Oh sorry this is now over my head :)

-- K

rwx------  5 vmail vmail 108  3月 17 19:55 .Drafts
drwx------  5 vmail vmail 108  3月 17 19:55 .Junk
drwx------  5 vmail vmail 108  3月 17 19:55 .Sent
drwx------  5 vmail vmail 108  3月 17 19:55 .Sent Messages
drwx------  5 vmail vmail 135  3月 17 19:55 .Trash
drwx------  2 vmail vmail   6  3月 17 19:55 cur
-rw-------  1 vmail vmail  51  3月 17 19:55 dovecot-uidlist
-rw-------  1 vmail vmail   8  3月 17 19:55 dovecot-uidvalidity
-r--r--r--  1 vmail vmail   0  3月 17 19:55 dovecot-uidvalidity.5c8e27ae
-rw-------  1 vmail vmail 312  3月 17 19:55 dovecot.index.log
-rw-------  1 vmail vmail 120  3月 17 19:55 dovecot.mailbox.log
drwx------  2 vmail vmail   6  3月 17 19:55 new
-rw-------  1 vmail vmail  37  3月 17 19:55 subscriptions
drwx------  2 vmail vmail   6  3月 17 19:55 tmp

Mmm..  I actually changed the directory to .Sent Messages, but I'm now in the .Sent directory...
[root@mail .Sent]# pwd


2019年3月17日(日) 19:58 Kostya Vasilyev via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org>:


Now, I changed Outlook setting of imap and I can see Draft, Trash, Sent and Sent Messages folders and I can see the mail files in there.  However,  I don't see mail files in the "cur or new" folder where is under .Sent Messages folder.  

Maybe Outlook isn't going to upload all old pre-existing Sent (etc) messages to server just from your setting the right server folder.

Have you tried sending a *new* test message from Outlook ("new" - after you changed Outlook setting for Sent folder) - to see if it gets uploaded?

If it does, but the old pre-existing messages don't - I would think you'd need to find a way to make Outlook upload *all* (old, pre-existing) Sent messages to server?

-- K

On Sun, Mar 17, 2019, at 1:49 PM, Sakuma, Koshiro via dovecot wrote:
Hi, Aki and Kostya,

Thank you for your feedback.  Well, I have set "auto = subscribe" in the 15-mailboxes.conf file.  Now, I changed Outlook setting of imap and I can see Draft, Trash, Sent and Sent Messages folders and I can see the mail files in there.  However,  I don't see mail files in the "cur or new" folder where is under .Sent Messages folder.  

1. The drafts, trash, Junk, Sent and Sent Massages folders are in English.  Can I change to other language in the 15-mailboxes.conf file?
    Actually, I tried to change it, but dovecot doesn't start due to "unrecognized" parameter.

2. Maybe my configuration of 15-mailboxes.conf is wrong.  The current parameter of sent message is as follow.  
mailbox Sent {
    special_use = \Sent
  auto = subscribe
  mailbox "Sent Messages" {
    special_use = \Sent
  auto = subscribe
