Am 12.09.2010 07:19, schrieb Richard Gliebe:
Hi all,
We are running "dovecot-1.0.7-7.el5" on a CentOS release 5.5 (Final) box. I know, its an old version, but it cames up with the CentOS release (yum). Anyway.
Is there a way to import the certificate, which was generated with "", permanently to the outlook 2003 clients?
Every time, when our office 2003 clients fetches there emails (POP3s) from our dovecot server, they will be asked "......, the CN-Name of this certificate doesn't match with the taken Value. Do you want to continue with this server?.
sorry for the poor english translation. Here in german (for some german people): Der Server, mit dem Sie verbunden sind, verwendet ein Sicherheitszertifikat, das nicht verifiziert werden konnte. Der CN-Name des Zertifikates stimmt nicht mit dem übergebenen Wert überein. Möchten Sie diesen Server weiterhin verwenden?
many thanks for some hints Richard
should be a procedure like this
-- Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer