2010/9/17 Patrick Westenberg <pw@wk-serv.de>:
User specific sieve files are placed in the home directories while mails are stored in the given mail_location (can be a subdirectory of the home directory)
Thanks. I tested something and set a sieve-config outside my maildirs: # dovecot -n |grep sieve sieve: /home/vmail-sieve/%u/main.filter sieve_dir: /home/vmail-sieve/%u/ sieve_global_dir: /home/vmail-sieve/global/
Works fine, except i can't include files from sieve_global: I have a file in /home/vmail-sieve/main@domain.tld/main.filter with: require ["fileinto", "include"]; include :global "spam.filter";
/home/vmail-sieve/global/spam.filter exists
Errors: Error: sieve: failed to open script /home/vmail-sieve/name@domain.tld/main.filter (view logfile /home/vmail-sieve/name@domain.tld/main.filter.log for more information) Log: main_script: line 2: error: included global script 'spam.filter' does not exist. main_script: error: validation failed.
I though :global searches inside the sieve_global_dir? Or is there a way to debug errors like this better?