Thank you Aki for the reply.
But I cannot disturb the version at present as it is a live server and thousands of emails will circulate every hour.
Could you please suggest me how to create HA/resilience for the existing environment. I have another server ready with the similar configuration. Please provide any steps/link for me to proceed on this? It will be a great help to me.
Thanks, Kishore
On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 4:33 PM Aki Tuomi <> wrote:
On 09/01/2020 18:25 Kishore Potnuru <> wrote:
Hi Dovecot team,
I need help in configuring HA/resilence for my dovecot (POP3/IMAP) server.
I have one RHEL Linux POP3/IMAP server with Dovecot version 2.2.10. I also installed the postfix(version: 2.6.6) in it. At present it have around 10 domains and each domain is having around 20 email boxes. It has very simple configuration.
User's reading the email via some internal applications/Outlook.
I would like to create resilience/HA for this environment. Could you please suggest me, what is the easiest way to achieve this?
If any one can suggest step by step that will be more helpful to me.
Thanks, Kishore
You could consider using more recent version of dovecot. 2.2.10 is already over 5 years old.