Hi Aki & Dovecot team,

Just continuing with the previous discussion "Migration from one server to 2 new servers".


I have tried the same way as per your suggestion. But it's throwing an error.

[root@production2 log]# doveadm backup -a All -R -u kishore@test.ba.com imapc:
dsync(kishore@test.ba.com): Info: imapc(production1.baplc.com:143): Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:143 (local yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:45992)
dsync(kishore@test.ba.com): Warning: imapc(production1.baplc.com:143): connect(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, 143) timed out after 30 seconds - reconnecting (delay 0 ms)
dsync(kishore@test.ba.com): Info: imapc(production1.baplc.com:143): Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:143 (local yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:46014)
dsync(kishore@test.ba.com): Error: imapc(production1.baplc.com:143): connect(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, 143) timed out after 30 seconds - disconnecting
dsync(kishore@test.ba.com): Error: User initialization failed: imapc: Login to production1.baplc.com failed: Disconnected from server
[root@production2 log]#

I looked into the production1 (old server) logs. I see the below error.

Jul 28 11:14:23 auth: Fatal: Master passdb can't have pass=yes if there are no passdbs
Jul 28 11:14:23 master: Error: service(auth): command startup failed, throttling

after the above error, I have commented "pass=yes" in production1 (old server) server, then I see the below error.

Jul 28 11:17:10 auth: Fatal: No passdbs specified in configuration file. PLAIN mechanism needs one
Jul 28 11:17:10 master: Error: service(auth): command startup failed, throttling

Please suggest me on fixing the issue.