am 13.04.11 17:14 schrieb Robert Schetterer <>:
Am 13.04.2011 14:50, schrieb Jim Knuth:
am 13.04.11 12:45 schrieb Jim Knuth<>:
Since the Upgrade on V 2.0.12 I can produce with Thunderbird no connection. With Roundcube it is easily possible. I have changed something in no configuration. Does somebody have a tip?
Solved. I have one to me from the Router new IP allow to give and it goes again. How can come such a thing. caching?
you gave less info to answer this useless to speculate
yes, I know, sorry. But only by the allocation of a new IP solved. And the question is - why?
for info i have 2.0.12 too, with tb, no problems
-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Jim Knuth
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