I dug thru the archives but didn't see a clear answer to this. A client has an existing sendmail/pop3 system, and I would like to switch to dovecot for imap support. For imap I much prefer the Maildir format over mbox, however, sendmail natively dumps to mbox (mailspool) and that is what pop typically reads. I've read the threads on how to make sendmail write to Maildir.
My problem is that I'd like to support both pop/mailspool and imap/maildir.
While running dovecot in imap-only it will use mbox format to read the /var/mail/user as the Inbox and then create the full imap structure under ~user/mail but in mbox format, not maildir.
If/when I turn on both pop and imap in dovecot will it allow this with the current config? Or will I still need to convert sendmail output to maildir...and then I assume dovecot/pop will read from ~user/Maildir/Inbox even though it is in Maildir format?
Basically, if I'd prefer to not have to convert sendmail to Maildir format, have dovecot always treat /var/mail/user as the Inbox for both pop and imap, and for those who switch to imap, have it store their other folders in ~user/Maildir. Asking too much?