Pete Slagle wrote:
I had this same problem, many idle imap processes, using rc2 without SSL, but it was NOT solved by using kqueue. It suggests that the kqueue issue sometimes affects the symptoms, but actually just covers or exposes an underlying bug.
i had this problem too, i change to use kqueue to poll (notify), then the problem is solved (all connection tls/ssl/plain)
if you want use poll, you need use "--with-notify=pool" for configure script
on my system(openbsd), if i do not use "--with-notify" flag, dovecot will use kqueue for notify by default and use poll for ioloop by default
shell$> dovecot --build-options Build options: ioloop=poll ipv6 openssl SQL drivers: mysql Passdb: bsdauth checkpassword passwd passwd-file sql Userdb: checkpassword passwd prefetch passwd-file sql static