Hi.. (and Happy New Year)..
I tried switching over from Apple's Mail client (applemail) that is part of Panther to using Thunderbird 1.0 and find that all of the folders in my imap mailbox are messed up. Below is what Thunderbird is claiming the folder structure looks like :
Inbox Arch Archiv Archive BMW Co E-Bay M Miscellaneous ML Bargains CKF Que Sof Sonn
Ideally, the way it looks in Applemail looks more like the following:
Inbox Archive BMW CarFax Coupons E-Bay Miscellaneous ML Bargains CKF [and a bunch of others that were missing from Thunderbird] Nextel OpexLD Palm Paypal Quest SW Realtors Registrations+Purchases Schoolpop ... [others] Software Updates Sonnet ... [others]
Any ideas on what is going on here? I just moved to DoveCot 0.99.12, but it doesn't appear to make any distance. Also, if I try to pull up any of the weird folders in Thunderbird, it of course complains about the folders not existing.. Any ideas on how to get around this would be much appreciated! Thanks!
-- Rick