Hi, First, thanks Timo and Stefan for this great IMAP/Sieve implementation...
We are using 1.1.16+cmu_sieve/managesieve additions for now (following releases since ~ 1.0.1).
We have a specific problem here with auth-cache: We use direct imap/sieve connection from different clients, using LDAP password: everything is fine.
The problem appears with our webmail access using a web-SSO system (jasig's CAS), using one-time-tickets as password for imap connections (checked by pam_cas module for now).
For a single webmail connection par login, it work, thanks to cache_key using client's IP.
But for multiple use of the same login in the webmail, there are more than one 'password' valid at a time…
What may be the 'correct' solution:
- patching auth-cache.c (auth_cache_lookup function ?)
- writing a different login backend ?
- ???
Hope I'm clear enough…
geoffroy desvernay Ecole Centrale de Marseille