On 5.4.2013, at 22.59, Pigi <pigi@frumar.it> wrote:
I'm planning to migrate my courier-imap imap server to dovecot, but I'm experiencing a strange issue with fts-lucene plugin.
Basically, every time I start a search, the log starts to write:
Apr 05 19:30:53 indexer: Error: Indexer worker disconnected, discarding 1 requests for XXXXXX Apr 05 19:30:53 indexer-worker(XXXXX): Fatal: master: service(indexer-worker): child 809 killed with signal 11 (core not dumped) Apr 05 19:30:53 imap(XXXXXX): Error: indexer failed to index mailbox INBOX Apr 05 19:30:56 indexer-worker(XXXXX): Error: lucene index /home/XXXXX/Maildir/lucene-indexes: IndexWriter() failed (#1): Lock obtain timed out
When trussing the indexer-worker pid I can see it ends with:
If you can truss it, you can also gdb it, which is much more helpful:
gdb -p <pid of index-worker> cont <make it crash> bt full
527: siginfo: SIGBUS BUS_ADRALN addr=0x005B50BA 527: Received signal #10, SIGBUS [default] 527: siginfo: SIGBUS BUS_ADRALN addr=0x005B50BA
That says it's a SIGBUS, but the Dovecot log said it's a SIGSEGV. Wonder what's the difference, or maybe you're getting both. Anyway I'd guess this is a clucene bug related to CPU alignment with Sparc CPU. gdb would confirm and could help with fixing it.