On Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 10:59:55AM +0800, 句号先生。 | wrote:
hi, I have a question hope to get everybody's help, thank you. I write the dovecot sieve rules, use notify:mailto. such as mailto:mymail@dovecot.org, this is ok.but i want to go to a url address,like this,mailto:"http://http://wiki.dovecot.org/".but i don't know how to do it.I hope you can help me.thanks.
In this case, you're probably best off using the "pipe" extension[1], rather than "notify". Write a script that takes the email on STDIN and performs whatever necessary HTTP commands based on that (sending an email to a HTTP URL is too generic a process. Should it be POSTed to the address? Is there a form at the address which the mail should be posted to? Should certain fields be parsed out and a complex GET request be performed? etc. Only you know how that should work)
[1] http://master.wiki.dovecot.org/Pigeonhole/Sieve/Plugins/Extprograms
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