On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 21:45 +0200, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 12:27 -0500, poohba@blkpoohba.dyndns.org wrote:
> At one point I was just using what was under ~/mail now I have:
> ~/mail
> ~/mail/fedora
> ~/mail/trash
> ~/mail/.imap/fedora
> ~/mail/.imap/fedora/.imap.index
> ~/mail/.imap/fedora/.imap.index.tree
> These are not all the files but just the most recently touched files.  Can 
> I not just have imap view and use the ~/mail files?  Is this normal?  

The ~/mail/.imap/ directory is for Dovecot's indexes. If you want to
place them in different directory, you can do it with eg.:

default_mail_env = mbox:~/mail:INDEX=%h/mail-indexes

Or you can just forget that they're there. Dovecot doesn't show them to

> Can I have it set up to use the maildir files that are already there?  It used 
> to work that way but I guess that is with the other imap server that came 
> with fc1.

I'm not really sure what you're asking. ~/mail typically contains only
mboxes, so are you talking about something else? If not, why do you have
both mboxes and maildirs?

In ~/mail there are files that are actually mail directories.  I don't know what they are called but that is the way it has been since RH5.3 until FC1.  This problem has only been since FC1.
Some patched UW-IMAPs are capable of handling mixed mbox/maildir
directories, Dovecot isn't yet.