Hi Marc,

If you read the link keenly - Debugging/Rawlog - Dovecot Wiki - you will realize that you need to do some stuff.
I have done them and they produced the results.

Edit /path/to/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf and add the following:

Under this block:

add executable = imap postlogin to the block that has
 service imap {

Then create another block in the same file as follows:

service postlogin {
  executable = script-login -d rawlog
  unix_listener postlogin {

Identify the user for whom you want the rawlogs:

doveadm user -u technical@mydomain.name
  user      : technical@mydomain.name
  home      : /var/spool/virtual/mydomain.name/technical
  uid       : 26
  gid       : 26

Now do the following:
cd /var/spool/virtual/mydomain.name/technical
mkdir dovecot.rawlog
chown -R 26:26 dovecot.rawlog

systemctl restart dovecot (or however you do it in CentOS)

Now login to imap as the user .. perform some operations.

Now look inside /var/spool/virtual/mydomain.name/technical/dovecot.rawlog/

PS: Adapt as necessary. I tested this on FreeBSD with dovecot-

Ignore the /tmp/rawlog/%u portion of the HOWTO. I did it too, but there was nothing in /tmp/rawlog/ even though I created the directory and did chmod 1777 /tmp/rawlog.


On Wed, 30 Dec 2020 at 19:30, Marc Roos <M.Roos@f1-outsourcing.eu> wrote:

You can also set DEBUG environment to have rawlog log an info message
why it's not doing anything:
import_environment = $import_environment DEBUG=1

Where should this message appear, I also don't have this one.


Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
"Oh, the cruft.", grep ^[^#] :-)