Hi Im not an expert in Dovecot but what prohibits you adding a field to the table Dovecot will not use it thats all Im not sure what version of database You are using but postgres,oracle and never versions of mysql have something called views (could be used to hide the additional column from dovecot if necessary) and as far as i remember triggers that could be launched on insert, update to populate that additional column Other solution (not sure if applicable for Your needs) is to enable file system quota without actually setting up any quotas/group quotas (all users from single domain must belong to same group tho) this allows quick disk usage check without excess disk io
On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 09:07:04 +0100, Adam Szpakowski <as@3a.pl> wrote:
On 15.02.2012 08:47, Robert Schetterer wrote:
Hi i am not sure what are trying to goal with domain quota, if you setup your accounts i.e with postfixadmin etc then its up to the gui logic , stopping postmasters to setup more accounts ( with quotas ) as you ( the superadmin ) want. My fault, I should add some "big picture" info. We are using admin panel based on iRedMail Panel, and want to show quota
usage on the domain level. Quota enforcing is only on user level and this part works nicely. What I need is to have in dbase live data which allows me to get quota usage on the domain level to show it in the admin panel. The problem is, that this operation must not by db intensive. Getting entire db and the processing it with some script is fine for daily reports but not for "live" view.
My example with doveadm for quota recalc was only a way to show how the problem can be triggered. We are not using doveadm for this purpose.
For everything else user quotas usally are enough
thinkable maybe calculation of all users quotas in dict from one domain in a sql postfix query table to stop deliver in more mail, but i dont think this makes real sense In future the quota enforcement on domain level could be a nice add-on, but for now it is not so important for us.
-- Pozdrawiam,
Przemysław Orzechowski
Administrator Sieci/Network Administrator
e: przemek.orzechowski@makolab.net
t: +48 42 683 74 96
MakoLab S.A.
ul. Demokratyczna 46, 93-430 Łódź www.makolab.pl
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