I am trying to configure dovecot like this: https://wiki.dovecot.org/SharedMailboxes/ClusterSetup
imapc_host = imapc_master_user = %u #imapc_user = imapc_password = XXXXXXXX
namespace { type = shared separator = / prefix = shared/%%u/ location = imapc:~/shared/%%u }
plugin { acl_shared_dict = proxy::acl }
However, contrary to the article claims, imapc master user is set to the destination username. This makes it impossible to check the ACLs against the logged user.
If user.b shares mailbox with user.a, accessing /shared/user.b as user.a a will log in as "user.b*user.b".
Can we tell dovecot to use the currently authenticated user for imapc_master_user and the remote user for imapc_user, so it logs in as "user.b*user.a"?
I'm using dovecot (502c39af9).
Thanks! Toma